About this project

What this is…

You will be assembling about 1000 words on a topic or theorist. (Options at bottom of this post.) The entry will also have two or three images, and whatever other media you wish to include.

The entries will be collected on this website.

Images must be legal to be reproduced: public domain or Creative Commons licensed.

You can find CC licensed images here: https://search.creativecommons.org/ and https://ccsearch.creativecommons.org/. When you identify images you wish to use, be sure to save where you found them so you can provide attribution.

This is a public web site, and as such you should understand your rights under BC’s privacy laws. (You might want to learn more about why this is important.) So we will take some time to make sure you understand the issues and provide informed consent via a form. If you wish, you will have the option to hide your identity, or to discuss an alternative assignment with your professor.

Later in the semester, we will be gathering in a lab for a guided authoring session on this website. When we do, be sure to have your completed work in Word format, as well as whatever images or media (and attribution source information) you intend to use.

Topics are below:


1. Auguste Comte
2. Harriet Martineau
3. Karl Marx
4. Emile Durkheim
5. Georg Simmel
6. Max Weber
7. WEB DuBois
8. George Herbert Mead


1. Patrick Wolfe (Australian)
2. Patricia Hill Collins (USA)
3. Donna Haraway (USA)
4. Dorothy Smith (Canadian)


1. Structural Functionalism
2. Conflict / Marxist
3. Feminist Theories
4. Symbolic Interactionism
5. Postmodernism / Post Structuralism
6. Critical Race Theory
7. Queer Theory
8. Social Constructionism


1. Sociology
2. The Sociological Imagination
3. Social Structures
4. Revolutions and the Origins of Sociology
5. Cultural Hegemony
6. Globalization
7. Quantitative Research
8. Qualitative Research
9. Research Ethics


10. Culture
11. Symbols (including Language)
12. Norms
13. Ethnocentrism
14. Cultural Relativism
15. Rites of Passage
16. Consumerism
17. Subculture and Counterculture and Culture Jamming
18. Cultural and Social Capital


19. Socialization
20. Hidden Curriculum
21. Identity
22. (Four) Agents of Socialization
23. Gender Roles
24. Generations
25. Total Institutions
26. Thomas Theorem, Looking Glass Self, and Self-Fulfilling Prophecy


27. Social Interaction
28. Roles and Statuses
29. Emotions
30. Leadership, Authority and Power in Interactions
31. Dramaturgical Analysis
32. Ethnomethodology
33. Non-Verbal Communication
34. Stereotypes and Generalizations


35. Organizations
36. Governmentality and Surveillance
37. Bureaucracies
38. Networks
39. Social Groups and Group Conformity
40. Societies

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